Thanks to all of our families and friends for supporting all of us on this journey! We can't say "Thank You" enough to all of you who have came out and supported our music and our live shows! We would also like to thank everyone who voted us Best Of Amarillo for 2010! We couldn't do it without y'all!!
Rick Lovelady Carpets

Thanks to Rick Lovelady Carpets for the carpet for the drummer and the trailer!!! Check them out if you're needing new floors!! Call them at 806-352-3448 or go to !!
Thanks to the following people for bailing us out when we get in a bind!! Justin Mays - Song Writing Guru; Clint McMurtry - Sound; Bobby Baily - Sound & Drums; Mike Paulk (The Savior) - Bass, equipment, ect!, Stevon Coletrain - Bass; Eric Balderas - Guitar Center Guy!, Jordan Luke - writing awesome songs and lending an extra ear in the studio; Geoff McCaslin - Guitar & Super Bass player!